Monday, February 22, 2016

Entry #7 I'm Mad as Hell and I'm not Going to Take This Anymore

 I have recently watched a film about fresh food that isn't really fresh, (in the terms of how we should see fresh today.) There are company's that are trying to control the food, so that they can control the people. This practice is very dis-harming, that we Americans are allowing to go on.  
  I can not sit back and watch a company destroy not only natures design of how food should be processed and all the corners that are being cut to mass-produce the food we eat today. But to watch our civil rights as american be destroyed, we should  know what being pumped into our food (GMO's), this is our right to have all ingredients on our packaged food.

 The purpose of this film "Fresh" is to inform and educate us of the harmful effects of whats going on in our nation. not only are we being deceived, but we are being controlled by a big bad company using scare tactics to submit to their control.

 The way this big business is going out of their way to control the way food must be produced ,makes me sick, and the way that our US government is being bought is out-right wrong.  I feel that special interests groups are the real villains who buy off our government to push there own agenda for selfish gain. We as a consumer should say no-more to these groups and they must be subjected to a checks and balances so they have no rights to bully and control our nations food source. 

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