Friday, February 26, 2016

Entry # EC Warning the People

       I recently watched Food Inc.a film that exposes food and how our government is not only allowing these practices of GMOs for consumption but allowing only tests from the actual company s that make GMOs product and who profit them. 
   I found a few other videos that my blog readers might find interesting, a couple of young kids worried about the future and health concerns that allowing food without labels to continue in-such away could have a greater in packed on future health.
    The last video is a more fun and fact where Bill seems to feel very strongly about labeling the food. He feels that we should know whats in our food. Bill thinks that big corporations shouldn't get to make that choice just because they will lose money if we the consumer choose not to eat the food that said GMOs, it should be our choice.                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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