Thursday, March 10, 2016

Entry #11 The Pen

The Pen
     The nervousness I feel once my foot entered the door, the pit of my stomach in knots, and now no time to spare. I get to the computer where I sit for my ENG101 class but my nervousness can’t get my MEID and password right, over and over again I type, what?  This is the right password; I keep getting it wrong (I just don't have time for this!) I want to scream, then I close my eyes and take a deep breath, and within-that breath I pray slightly for Gods help to calm me, and finally it worked. But when I pull up the email for my Final Writing project #3 it didn't send. IT DIDN"T SEND! Why? My heart wanted to jump out, faster and faster it beats. Thank God I have my PC with me easy fix, so why must I get so worked up? It’s the last day of the hardest class I have ever had, and my Kryptonite.
  I say Kryptonite because never in my life, have I never thought I was ever good at writing. My English teacher in high school told me I was stupid once, so I walked out her class the moment the words came from her mouth. So sitting here in college ENG101 fighting with this computer that has my WP#3 hostage, darn right I'm might be lousing it. I'm fighting for that B+ praying for an A.  I finally get my paper sent from my PC  to my MEID email  and now  printed, when Prof. Nielson tells us this isn't our final submission all my anxiousness for nothing! I think deep inside Prof. Nielson has a masochitic side the way he made me feel all those emotions. My ears were now on fire from the pain form all the adrenaline I had worked up.

    Now sitting in class we have a cute college girl from ASU talking about "what do you want to do with the rest of your life?" I sit, listening but still a little nervous, I never know what to do with my hands so I move and shuffle things around in-font of me, my folders, notes and now the keyboard, and that’s where I find the pen. It’s a black uni-ball pen extra fine point with silver lines which made the shaft of the pen look like an Excel spreadsheet with a solid black cap and silver embellishment; one would clip to shirt pockets. I sit and ponder this pen and think "what a shame someone lost this pen." As I sit and ponder further of what this pen symbolizes to me at this moment, taking from this pen as a symbol of "write" of passage, as one would say, a kind of literary play on a words, fitting for a pen that now has meaning. So to me this pen symbolizes that moment where I fought so hard to climbing that wall and thought I was going to fall and found if I kept fighting and not give up and asked for help, help would arrive. I feel like I have accomplished the biggest obstacle of my life. I know this is just the beginning of many to follow but if I fight for it I can persevere. I will use this pen to write my graduation speech of acceptance and acknowledge all those who helped pave the way for my success. Its starts with one mighty pen and a heart to create something wondrous.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Entry#10 Solutions

I have written and posted many videos on my blog of what I feel strongly about and hope my readers might feel strongly about them too. With everything I have said, I feel that "We the People" must find a way to save an ever growing problem in our government and two party system. I believe that most of them are hiding behind laws, when they should be in jail. I am so sick of this crap! Americans are lab rats to these people, and I want it to stop.

I want to start a real 'For the People and By the People" I want to build a Wonder Gallery, like a Disney World for galleries. A place for all kinds of art even food can have a place. This place would be so big it would have an organic farmers  market at-least twice a week if not more, might even have its own organic farm. All kinds of art dance, sculpture, acting, teaching and the list can go on. All artists would work together and create presentations  that would help the surrounding community. I would love to make this dream into a reality. I want the premise to be (Help People Help People Help Others.) This might be one step for a solution to a better and brighter future.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Entry #9 Pink Slime Why?

   The video  Pink Slime that McDonalds was allowing to create  their nuggets and beef is straight-up gross.! Why would we allow such a thing for so long ? do we Americans not care? Why does American life mean so little?
   Here is why we don't know whats going on with our food. First the FDA and USDA is getting paid enough not to inform the public of possible concerns. And you wonder why congress keeps getting pay raises? It's all so clear now.We the consumer just leaves it all up to the government because we think they are  keeping (We The People) safe but we pay them for nothing.
   I say its time to clean house! It's time for a serous CHECKS and BALANCE! All those involved must GO! Time to start a clean slate without a two party system who think they are putting our best interests first not their own.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Entry # EC Warning the People

       I recently watched Food Inc.a film that exposes food and how our government is not only allowing these practices of GMOs for consumption but allowing only tests from the actual company s that make GMOs product and who profit them. 
   I found a few other videos that my blog readers might find interesting, a couple of young kids worried about the future and health concerns that allowing food without labels to continue in-such away could have a greater in packed on future health.
    The last video is a more fun and fact where Bill seems to feel very strongly about labeling the food. He feels that we should know whats in our food. Bill thinks that big corporations shouldn't get to make that choice just because they will lose money if we the consumer choose not to eat the food that said GMOs, it should be our choice.                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Entry #8 Down With Special Interests Groups controlling our Nation

I have posted a few videos that show how species interest groups work and how we as Americans can use them to help our causes and fight back. Although some big corporations might have the money we have the people on our side. We the people need to fight for our health are future and our echo system, because all the big corporations want is more money and dominate the global economy. I say lets take it back our rights and fight for whats right.   

Monday, February 22, 2016

Entry #7 I'm Mad as Hell and I'm not Going to Take This Anymore

 I have recently watched a film about fresh food that isn't really fresh, (in the terms of how we should see fresh today.) There are company's that are trying to control the food, so that they can control the people. This practice is very dis-harming, that we Americans are allowing to go on.  
  I can not sit back and watch a company destroy not only natures design of how food should be processed and all the corners that are being cut to mass-produce the food we eat today. But to watch our civil rights as american be destroyed, we should  know what being pumped into our food (GMO's), this is our right to have all ingredients on our packaged food.

 The purpose of this film "Fresh" is to inform and educate us of the harmful effects of whats going on in our nation. not only are we being deceived, but we are being controlled by a big bad company using scare tactics to submit to their control.

 The way this big business is going out of their way to control the way food must be produced ,makes me sick, and the way that our US government is being bought is out-right wrong.  I feel that special interests groups are the real villains who buy off our government to push there own agenda for selfish gain. We as a consumer should say no-more to these groups and they must be subjected to a checks and balances so they have no rights to bully and control our nations food source. 

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Entry #6 Love and Be Loved

Love and be Loved

   My motto for life "Love and be Loved" a motto I hope will be the a stepping stone for a strong foundation for a business that will do exactly that  "Love and be Loved". I know people might be thinking how might one create such a foundation? 

   In the early 1900's a doctor gave my great grandfather a year to live, so he picked up his wife and ten kids and had his sights on Florida. My great-grandfather settled in Bartow, FL where he then began to construct the family mansion. He not only built a mansion he created a wonder, the house became known as the Wonder House because all who drove or walked past always wondered what it was going to look like when he complicated this mansion. The Wonder House took him more than twenty years to complete, needless to say he  lived well past a year the doctors gaven him. 
   The materials that my great-grandfather used to construct his mansion was thousands of pounds of cement, the rocks of  the foundation of the land,  rocks from all over the world, to crate its mosaic designs throughout the mansion. He was genius when crafting his art, he had a cross ventilation, as well as water ways through the house so during hot days the house had its own cooling system, He never had to water the plants because the house did it automatically through. its water system. The doors were hand crafted, and every room had its own balcony. He also built a system of mirrors, that if any one was in the bathroom and someone was knocking on the front door he could see who was knocking. In "Ripley's Believe It Or Not" magazine they called it the "house of a thousand wonders".   I believe his most interesting addition to the house was a series of mirrors and prisms through the chimney that reflected rainbows all over the room he called the rainbow room. But unfortunately he was told he needed to fill the chimney with cement, this was at a time when people were worried  about German spies and my great grandfather was German, The people at that time thought my great-grandfather was somehow sending secrete messages through this house, and forced him to fill in the chimney.
     The Wonder House still stands today and the foundation is just as strong as it was then as it is today. So If I can build such a foundation, like my great-grandfather, in 1925, through hard work and a creative mind, I too can build a wonder myself. It just takes an idea, an idea with a foundation that stands  firm on Love and Be Loved.


Saturday, February 13, 2016

Entry #5 Wall-E


     This  short video cartoon depicts a look into a future from the authors mind and perspective through a drone.The robot appears to have a heart and seems to be fixated  on finding something, I feel might  be love because the way Wall-E speaks with a loving tone once he reaches the white drone looking object.  Although we never see the complete video, I did noticed a few things about this video. I notices the people in this futuristic cartoon, never take their eyes off the screen in front of them, they are being carried around mindlessly through their created world being told what to eat, what to drink, and how they should dress. Becoming mindless drones  like Well-E was supposed to be,. I seems as thought this cartoon has shifted humanity into a drone. I believe he is illustrating to the audience of children  that this is how he might  be seeing the future.

Entry #4 Motivation


"Motivate and you will be motivated"

Motivate others around you to be encouraging, once you become a motivator you will find  that you can build a support team that will help you as well as them become who your dentin to 


"Inspire and you will be inspired"

Inspire the world around you to be better , do better, and feel better. If you can do that with the people around you, the world around you begins to change. Life will begin to shift you to your true purpose with in the life you were meant to live. 


"Create and you will be created" 

Create with-inside your mind a place that focuses on the positive things, even though it might seen bleak. Life is hard but if you can change the very  way you think and react to situations you will feel with in your soul a peace and the weight and the world will not be as heavy,.The world will no longer have any control over you or your joy.You will learn that you will be created and transformed once you change your mindset. Joy, you have always wanted to truly feel will grow with-inside you. You will see yourself being created for more than what you could have  ever dream possible. 

Entry #3 Technology- Is our Humanity at stake


Is our Humanity at Stake?

I believe that humanity might be at stake because facts show that through research, while  we are learning and studying, the technology we use becomes a detestation, I am talking about the bells and whiles that cause one to lose focus, for-instance; via text message, while studying information was easily forgotten once a bell gone off. 

Humanity Doesn't have to be at Stake

I think that its possible to stop a downward cycles through knowledge and determination. If we impart and inform the information as well as the research and data. I believe  there can be a change in the way we use and learn  technology. We must inform the Parents of children first with basic information, how the mind works through simulation using  media and distractions. Having this information will help the patients better manage their children study habits. I hope by starting this chain of events with the children, they can learn and grow more effectively and therefore pass the torch down to their children so they will be more informed  of the implications of distractions from multiple media devices. 

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Entry #2 Presentation Is Key

Presentation Is Key

 I have had many jobs in my life and found that presentation is one key to success. Not only are ideas important, but consistency, and adapting to change   also prove to be successful tools in any business. Presentation of an idea that innovates and captivates the audience, as well as never being scared of taking risks. Thinking outside the box .proves to be very rewarding for most successful entrepreneurs, case in point, Facebook CEO Mark Zukerberg whom I recently read, bought Instagram so he could continually reach his younger and ever growing audience, Mark is steadily changing, thinking of new and innovative ideas that change the world as we see it today.  So presentation and innovative ideas is key and paramount to the developmental stage of building a strong foundation for any business. 

Entry #1 Are Blogs A Strong Foundation for Future Business Leaders

 Are Blogs Strong Foundations for Future Business Leaders?

    As an Artist and future entrepreneur, I wanted to check out a few bogs that might not only help me establish an outline of important facts for research that would help guide me in the right direction for a successful future. But, what I discovered in my blog  exploration was,, blogs are very informative for instance, I enjoyed reading the Business Insider blog where I found this article by Alexi Oreskovic , in it, he writes about Mark Zukerberg, in "April 2012, Facebook CEO Mark Zucerberg", is always hip to reinvent and change into what the tech world is now. Zuckerberg businesses have grown with the ever changing world, having Instagram and Facebook working together to capture a younger audience, is genus. By capturing a youth he captures the future.  This strategy  appeals to the masses, that's what makes Mark very successful in business, because of his willingness to adapt to the ever growing times.            Another blog I checked out was Daily Blast this blog was more for entertainment. I felt that the setup was cluttered, way too busy, but very entertaining. I can see in a business standpoint where being entertaining catches your audiences attention, leaving them wanting to learn more.about the information the bloggers presents. I feel that blogs could be a stepping stone for a strong foundation in business if presented well in a creative and  entertaining way that not only adapts to this always changing world, but must be willing to take risks, to be truly successful.By Athene M. Schuck

Monday, January 25, 2016

This Artists Foundation

Athene Here

Who am I?

   I am an Artist my interests are Art, kayaking, mud runs and freedom of expression. I have only done one mud run race so far, but it was the most fun I have ever had in my life, I'm officially a Spartan girl, that is something that brings joy to my face when I say it.
     My passion is to build a foundation, dynasty, and gallery, that lives on, even after I die. Other goals are to graduate from GCC and become a successful  artist while building something truly amazing, as well as, help people, help people, help others become successful.

A picture is worth a thousand words, this one has 30 years of in-bedded words into its layers.
"Pain and Suffering"